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0333 773 7700

Price List

Charges, including recurring and one-off items

Our price list includes costs for any service that we offer. Do get in touch if you are unsure about anything listed here and we'll be happy to explain or clarify further.


Pricing for our broadband services, not bundled with telephone.

Service Cost
Activation - ADSL £40.00 New ADSL activation
Activation - VDSL (FTTC) £54.00 New VDSL activation
Activation - VDSL ( £97.00 New Installation
Migration - ADSL
(BT to BT)
£11.00 BT to BT migration
Migration - ADSL
£40.00 Inbound migration from LLU
Migration - VDSL (FTTC) £11.00 VDSL to VDSL migration
Migration - VDSL ( £11.00 to migration
Migration - ADSL £40.00 Coming from VDSL
Cease to LLU £37.00 BT to LLU Outbound
Cease £37.00 Outright cease of service including some outbound migrations
Connection Recovery - ADSL £40.00 Cease or migrated within service term when activation was free
Connection Recovery - VDSL (FTTC) £54.00 Cease or migrated within service term when activation was free
Connection Recovery - VDSL ( £97.00 Cease or migrated within service term when activation was free
Early Cancellation - VDSL/ £20.00 Cease or migrated within service term
Early Cancellation ADSL £20.00 Cease or migrated within service term
Fast Track - ADSL £110.00 Expedited Activation
Fast Track - VDSL (All) £200.00 Expedited Activation



Pricing for our telephone service, not bundled with broadband.

Service Cost
New Line Installation £50.00 SOHO - £70 Business New line and number
Stopped Line Activation £16.00 Restart a previously stopped line
Migrate MPF Line £50.00 Convert an ex-Sky or Talk Talk line
Cease Free Outright cease of service
Calls / Features - Information Page


Telephone and Broadband

Pricing for our bundled telephone and broadband service.

Service Cost
Activation £60.00 New Talk and Surf activation
Migration £16 - 60 Migrating from another provider
Cease £32.00 Outright cease of service after 12 months
Monthly Contract
Cease £40.00 Outright cease of service within 12 months
Monthly Contract
Cease Free Outright cease of service after 12/18 months
12/18 Months Contract
Cease £32.00 Outright cease of service within 12/18 months
12/18 Months Contract
Calls / Features - Information Page


Broadband Engineer Related Charges

Pricing for charges related to broadband engineer visits for provision and faults.

Service Cost
Abortive Visit £85.00 Cancelled engineer after cut off time or "no access" during agreed time/date
SFI Base Charge - ADSL £154.00 Engineer charge (non-fibre)
SFI Base Charge - VDSL (FTTC) £154.00
from £182.00 on 16th June 2017
Engineer charge (fibre)
SFI Internal Wiring £44.00 Fault found on internal wiring
SFI Internal Equipment £22.00 Fault found on internal equipment
SFI Co-op Call £11.00 Co-op call with engineer and defined contact


Telephone (MPF) Engineer Related Charges

Pricing for charges related to telephone engineer visits for provision and faults for Talk Surf bundled line rental.

Service Cost
Abortive Visit £85.00 Cancelled engineer after cut off time or "no access" during agreed time/date
Standard Visit £109.97 Engineer charge (plus 1 hour of work)
Normal Working Day


Telephone (WLR) Engineer Related Charges

Pricing for charges related to telephone engineer visits for provision and faults for SOHO or Business line rental.

Service Cost
Abortive Visit £67.50 Cancelled engineer after cut off time or "no access" during agreed time/date
Standard Visit £77.94 Engineer charge (plus 1 hour of work)
Normal Working Day
Standard Visit £95.52 Engineer charge (plus 1 hour of work)
Out of Hours / Saturday
Standard Visit £113.05 Engineer charge (plus 1 hour of work)
Sunday / Public Holidays
Additional Hour £35.11 1 Hour (or part thereof) for existing visit
Normal Working Day
Additional Hour £52.67 1 Hour (or part thereof) for existing visit
Out of Hours / Saturday
Additional Hour £70.24 1 Hour (or part thereof) for existing visit
Sunday / Public Holidays
Line Shift £105.60 Moving the line internally or externally



Pricing for broadband usage overage.

Service Cost
BT 20CN - 1GB £0.05
£0.20 prior to Oct 2020
per 1GB overage
BT 21CN - 1GB £0.02
£0.10 prior to Oct 2020
per 1GB overage
TTB SMPF - 1GB £0.02
£0.10 prior to Oct 2020
per 1GB overage
TTB MPF - 1GB £0.02
£0.10 prior to Oct 2020
per 1GB overage



Non-specific service charges.

Service Cost
Early Order Cancellation £20.00 With more than 1 working day until CRD
Late Order Cancellation - ADSL £80.00 With less than 1 working day until CRD
Late Order Cancellation - VDSL/FTTP £225.00 With less than 1 working day until CRD
Appointment Modification £12.50 Change of appointment once committed

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Why not look at our other services?

FTTP Broadband

Ultra-fast broadband delivered via fibre to the proeprty.

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SoGEA Broadband

Fibre broadband via the cabinet with no line rental.

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